Thursday 7 August 2014


Hey! :)  I just got Paramore's third album Riot! for $10 at the warehouse :) review to come :)

About me

Hi, I'm Emmi, I love music. I play a little guitar (and no I don't mean I play a guitar that is tiny) and I have to say I can't sing. I'm tone deaf. My favourite music....

1) Coldplay
Coldplay are just.... Incredible. I prefer their old albums to their latest two but all Coldplay is good Coldplay.
Fave song by them?? Uhmmm... That's tricky... It'd have to be A rush of blood to the head.
Or Clocks. XD
2) Paramore
I only discovered them a month ago but I'm obsessed. They're an amazing band... I don't think Hayley's the only important one. I think all of them work to make it a great band. <3 fave song? How dare you ask? That's just... Impossible. I have lots. XD